Ref­point In­sur­ance ob­tains li­cence from UAE author­ity

as featured in the Khaleej Times

Dubai — Ken Maw, found­ing part­ner of Ref­point Hold­ing BVI, has an­nounced that the com­pany has suc­cess­fully con­cluded a sig­nif­i­cant ini­tial Pri­vate Eq­uity Cap­i­tal raise and also fi­nalised in­vest­ment in its first re­gional on­shore con­sult­ing busi­ness in the UAE, Ref­point In­sur­ance Con­sul­tants LLC (RPIC). RPIC has also ob­tained clear­ance from the UAE In­sur­ance Author­ity and reg­is­tered the prac­tice within the In­sur­ance Con­sul­tants reg­is­ter.


RPIC will be headed by Ken Maw, who has over 36 years of executive management experience in the region. He has previously managed HSBC’s regional insurance brokerage business and more latterly the establishment of Insure direct in 2000, which he built from scratch. Later on, in partnership with Dubai World, he eventually masterminded the sale of the entire insurance brokerage portfolio to the JLT Group in 2013 where he remained as a non-executive director until the close of 2016. After this he established Refpoint.

Besides, RPIC will be able to support the insurance industry for other bespoke advisory services through its extensive global relationships particularly with the provision of specialist Information and IT-related support, mergers and acquisitions or non-executive directorships.

RPIC intends to expand the brand regionally and ultimately look to grow the business internationally and make inroads into this significant market sector.

RPIC fields a highly experienced and knowledgeable team of insurance industry veterans, leveraging diverse backgrounds and stellar track records.

RPIC’s core service offerings will include cost control and insurance portfolio management, including claims support with full transparency on all related insurance expenditure; reinsurance support and alternative risk transfer solutions; and provision of insurance information services, IT offerings and insurance HR support.

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